Tuesday, April 20, 2010
New Start - Announcement of sorts
I have an announcement to make:
I have decided to discontinue designing actively in the cross stitch world. My "day job" has been a little too consuming and well, the market is very different than it was when I started my endeavor. I thank everyone for their support of my love of colour, thread, and cross stitch! At the end of the month, Norden Crafts will cease to carry my patterns. Hoffman still has a few, but has discontinued my punch needle patterns. In the next few months, I will continue to donate items to dissolve the remainder of my inventory. If you have a question about what I have, please email me.
Going forward, I will be dedicating this blog to my creations...and occasionally offer an on-line downloadable pattern. :) Hint: there are 2 Christmas Cross Stitch Stockings coming soon.
Have a wonderful week!
Paula :)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Christmas is Coming...

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Long time no blog...

Speaking of New Year...I do have some information...as you may have noticed or not I have not been doing as much with my business, BIZZI Creations, Inc. After MUCH thought, prayer, and deliberation, I have decided it is best to scale it back. I will still be doing designs from time to time, but I will not be hosting my own booth at trade shows. I love to create and that is not changing... I do have to adjust to the current economic environment. I will still have my "free bee" designs available from time to time...and by request.
Many Blessings,
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Chocolate Butterflies

It was a great book...I used the modified cake recipe and it tasted great. It was a fabulous wedding and I was so glad to be able to celebrate their day with them. I am so happy for them!
I also got my hair cut this past week...and love it!
Well, my three kitties are ready for bed...have a lovely week...
Paula :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sneak Peek & crash & Burn...

And now to the crash & burn...remember yesterday how I mentioned that we got rain? Well, that is great except when you ride a road bike (bicycle) and you get ran off the road...the mud just grabs your tire and you -well stick, stop, fall...and with clips you are pretty much just riding it down. As fun as that may sound, it can and usually does hurt. It usually happens where there are lots of witnesses. So, my baby was hurt (my bike)...see picture. Lucky for me the only thing that hit the concrete was the corner of my handlebar...now off to get new grips. A little bit of mud, which did not allow for me to insert right foot into right clip the rest of the way... But the bright side is that other than a couple of well placed bruises (no picture or further comment here) I'm fine. Okay, the pride was wounded a little too...but got lots of sympathy from the troops. They are a great group to ride with and yes I just kept smiling. It was a beautiful night and enjoyed it despite the mud and the over agressive rider. I forgave him...
Well, I will leave you with this...Mr. Gray and his comments on the above incident. :)
Happy Stitching!
Friday, August 15, 2008
There's a mouse on his back!

Have a lovely weekend! We got a nice bit of rain this morning that was so needed. It has been so hot and dry.
Happy Stitching!
Paula :)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I've been Creating