Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sneak Peek & crash & Burn...

Here it is...the companion piece to "My Chair" called..."My Desk". Isn't she lovely? Cathy did a lovely job stitching her and Stitch Niche in Arlington did a lovely job stretching and framing her. Nice when it all comes together. This is going out to the distributors as I write and also to some shops... If you are interested in this pattern, contact your local Needlework Shop! It is stitched on Picture This Plus cashel chime fabric with DMC floss.

And now to the crash & burn...remember yesterday how I mentioned that we got rain? Well, that is great except when you ride a road bike (bicycle) and you get ran off the road...the mud just grabs your tire and you -well stick, stop, fall...and with clips you are pretty much just riding it down. As fun as that may sound, it can and usually does hurt. It usually happens where there are lots of witnesses. So, my baby was hurt (my bike)...see picture. Lucky for me the only thing that hit the concrete was the corner of my off to get new grips. A little bit of mud, which did not allow for me to insert right foot into right clip the rest of the way... But the bright side is that other than a couple of well placed bruises (no picture or further comment here) I'm fine. Okay, the pride was wounded a little too...but got lots of sympathy from the troops. They are a great group to ride with and yes I just kept smiling. It was a beautiful night and enjoyed it despite the mud and the over agressive rider. I forgave him...

Well, I will leave you with this...Mr. Gray and his comments on the above incident. :)

Happy Stitching!


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